28th and 29th February: Teachers Orientation Meeting was held on 28th and 29th February 2024. The day began with the Welcome speech by the school principal, Mr. Passang Tsering la in the school chapel. And on that day, he addressed on the following topics:
• National Educational Policies
• Education System Policy (5+3+4+3+4)
• CBSE related information
• EDIC framework – Blue Ocean and Red Ocean strategy
• Plan for Digital school campus
• School improvement projects (SMART GOAL) enrich Tibetan Language, Class VIII Common Exam and class X Board CBSE
• Smart School
After that the school head nurse, Mrs. Sonam Sangmo briefed and updated on the new account manual in regard of medical insurance claim of the staff. She also directed everyone to refer the new account manual to get oneself well informed and accordingly take the benefits.
In the afternoon, the school Headmistress, Mrs. Tenzin Dolma summoned a short meeting with teachers in the staff room and handed over the class time table and the class list to the respective class teachers and the period’s allotment paper to the subject teachers. At the same time, she spoke on the importance of encouraging students to participate in school co-curricular activities and further motivated the teachers to use maximize the incorporation of the latest digital gadgets and software as modern teaching learning tools. She also urged everyone to make the best possible use of the school ICT room after having a new IT teacher in school.
On the second day, teaching staff gathered in the staff room at 9:30 A.M. and resumed the previous meeting. And after the short tea break, the second meeting of the day was held among the subject committee members where they discussed and planned on upcoming academic events and activities headed by the department head.