English singing assembly was first introduced by our beloved mentor Mrs Tenzin Pelmo La, T.C.V. English Resource Person in T.C.V. Schools many years back. Since then our school has been organizing it in our school under the guidance of English teachers and this will continue for the years to come. The main aim of the singing assembly is make the children learn English through songs and make them interested in learning English. This year the 1st Junior English singing assembly was held on 7th May at the school auditorium during the morning assembly. The program was led by Junior English teachers. Students of class 4, 5 and 6 participated in it along with their respective English teachers. Class 4, 5 and 6 students sang and danced on the tune of ‘Save The Planet’ and “Saving The Earth’ with the music and without the music. The students impressed the audience with their beautiful songs. The students sang and danced with much enthusiasm and zeal.